Today I’m Wearing: Rachel Vosper’s scented candle infusion

Who: Corina Bryce-Arnold, candle chandler at Rachel Vosper. Corina makes scented candles at the Rachel Vosper workshop in Kinnerton Street London. She spends a lot of time bent over giant pots of melted wax, stirring in fragrance oils and pouring perfect scented candles. Dream job.

Today I’m wearing a mixture of different candle fragrances that I’ve absorbed from being in the shop. it’s a combination of Choiysia, Sage and Lemon, Hellebores, French Lavender, Jasmine, Sandalwood & Cedar….oh and the new fragrances we worked with today, Green and Hellewood. It’s a beautiful combination, it infuses into my clothing and my hair as I work and I leave every evening smelling divine.