Who: Linda Pilkington, founder of Ormonde Jayne perfumery. Linda’s collection of luxury fragrances are classy, intriguing, properly grown up and slightly below-the-radar, which is just as her discerning customers like it. We love her jewel-box sized store tucked away in Burlington Arcade, which is well worth seeking out.
Today I’m wearing our new Vanille d’Iris. I had to bide my time creating this, because it contains pure orris butter, which is so expensive. I could only reignited the idea of making it when I was in a position to buy the best. Then the rest of the perfume had to match the grandeur of this beautiful orris butter, so we worked with absolutes, using Madagascan vanilla, anything creamy, anything soft that would make it deep, rich and opulent.
To make it really special, we created our own molecule. We created a part of the vanilla pod that you can’t buy, the smell of the soft brown sugary bit when you scrape down the seed pod. it’s expensive to do this, but the molecule now belongs to us. It’s important because we’re all about using ingredients not widely used in the perfume industry,